Monday, July 21, 2014

Retirement takes quite a lot of adjusting to. Leisure time unrestrained can lead to boredom, self-will run riot and cause one to loose direction and purpose. At times it is necessary to go back to where one experienced the most joy and ourpose to see where a detour was taken. It is helpful to have good friends one can be accountable to. Journaling is also a great way to locate ourselves. Often unforgiveness or bitterness can cause a change in direction-a derailment of sorts. Checking in with the Holy Spirit reveals the particular attitude that opened one up to misdirection-deception. It is very often pride that caused a loss of footing in the journey to Lodibar. At any rate, turning from this in repentance causes a new begiining and a fresh inspiration. Direction, wisdom and insight are no longer in short supply. Often dry spells are present. Disillusionment can also be settling in. At any rate, learning to live with ones spouse in retirement in peace and purpose is the challenge. One needs to look at the things which brought you both together and see if any of those elements might be resurrected. There is no denying it, both individuals have extremely different perspectives on life and what is of importance could not be any different. How then to spend time together without nagging, contending and viing for control. The two shall become one....once aging some and the physical openness falters how can the spiritual and emotional oneness transpire when each is bent on their way. Compromise. The love of Christ us the onky way I have found to tear diwn the walls of difference. Love never fails. Let me see him with your eyes Lord and not jude but accept him as the gift he is. Let the retirement become refirement for Your purposes. It is not too late. You are at work in us to will and do Your good pleasure. Let it be!

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Am finding that it is so very important to watch the words I use. Tone and timing are important, but certain words can trigger arguments and strife in a marriage. When I am on the defensive my words will kindle a fire. When I listen and then respond in a peaceful and non-threatening manner peace can be. So often I blame another for things I myself have incited. So, being quick to listen, slow to speak is right on! Lord, help me exercise this word and keep my home the haven of your peace and the refuge it really needs to be. Progress, not perfection. ttyl!

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Amazing how quickly things can change!

Wow, It has been such a long time since writing on my blogspot! We now have three grandbabies and have been so busy I barely have had time to catch my breath. The most unpredicatable thng happened. Jim agreed to buy a timeshare when we went on a reduced fare weekend to New Ulm, TX, "The Falls'" and realized this little spot hidden away, with wonderful golf, was just what would open up new possibilities. End of July we went for 4 days and 3 nights at this lovely 2 bedroom condo. It was a bit off-putting as there was no hot water and we were over-run by ants. The expected vs reality left a huge gap, needless to say. We will be able to access many igh end time shares all over the world, now that we joined. Also we got a reward for two for round trip airfare for attending the offering. We are waiting for those vouchers whihc should come next week, We will be watching C+C next Fri-Monday and that should be great fun. When we went to San Francisco recently we got to use the ipad camera and Jim got many great pics. The Big Sur pics were lovely despite the scarey mountain paths we drove on to get them. Three days of windy, narrow mountain paths is not my idea of relaxing. Jim, on the other hand enjoyed all that. I will close for now as the morning is getting away from me!

Friday, January 20, 2012

Much not going the way I expected

The job I am going to start is put off slightly due to a ridiculous reason. My drug screen was too dilte/ So, I have to repaet it and not over-hydrate. Then our mailman passed us by as cars were blocking the box. So, the things I was looking forward to are not happening. There is nothng I can do but let my expectations fall to the ground and re-adjust to what is. I will go tommrrow am and have the test repeated, then I can move forward with the job. Sunday the 21 day fast ends. I am ready. Lord, would you helpme make it victoriously!

Monday, May 2, 2011

Accidental travelors find adventure at every turn

Struggled for days with a wireles connection which was less than desirable, and was definitely being prevented from checking e-mail and doingcthe normal internet travel. Realized that this trip was not about the ordinary or things as usual. In order to fully embrace this time, I needed to disconnect from daily routine to connect to a time of refreshing. Calgon was not going to take me away, but a cute little Ford Focus could. With my friend at my side, and "Glory Galivant," my trusted GPS plugged in, the girl's weekend began. Country Music Hall of Fame was on the list of "must sees," and the quest began. Parking closeby acomplished, the next thing in the hierarcy of needs was food. Lunch at the Hilton would not disappoint. Prior to this lunch was a stroll thru a beautiful rose garden. BBQ, Turkey Reuben and tanks were full and engines reving.
Hall of Fame admission secured, at a discounted price, off we went. The added perk of BOGO ticket for a live music club in hand for later gave us a sense that we definitely had an edge.
Starting at the top floor, we began to experience all the best of the bests in this Genre. Music was always the biggest thing we shared in common from our growing up days so this attraction we both were fully poised to enjoy. My personal favorite was the mirror that gave my body the appearance of being a fashion model. Pretty sure I was not the only one delighted with the image. Reflection-It is easy to live our lives inside out. Focus on image and externals can cause us to miss the greater things with eternal value. Man looks on the outside, but God looks on the heart. Lord, help me to see the heart and not be swayed by what I see and draw wrong conclusions.
A check was made on the newly fashionedmental "bucket list" for this city for Hall of Fame, then another stroll thru the rose garden on the way to the next attraction was in order. Stopping to sit on the bench for a meeting of minds until a consensis was reached, we agreed live music and cashing in the coupon for BOGO could delight us both. A reference to Robert Frost's, "The Road Less Traveled," came up, for both of us were passionate travelors with a zest for living that few embrace. Childlike delight might desribe our modus operendi. Incidentily, when we did stop earlier, we did not smell the roses, but did take them in and fully enjoy their beauty. The Barbara Mandrell Rose was one I remember.
The clubs on Broadway were packed and live music wafting onto the street from each, almost in competition. After entering into a sardine packed place where a great sound was heard, we made our way to the upstairs. The coupon did disappoint and we had been duped. Probably most ever other tourist in there had. The BOGO was only for two of the same beerages although there was no dislaimer.Seemed only right to get a pen out, and add our own dislaimer. Now that wrong was righted! Time to leave....Recognizing we'd been had, we arose to make our way back to the car.
The funny thing about visiting a unfamiliar city is that you may want to see many attractions, yetnot knowing where you are going, you fall prey to poor diretions, many wrong turns, red lights that do not change,not to mention, detours. All that in mind, one's direction can be changed in an instant. This is where the good stuff comes in.
Waiting in line on a Friday night for anywhere can be exasperating or not. A place was spotted, then a decision was made to try it. The place was not only great, the Chicken Balsamic salad was so loaded wtih chicken I never managed to make a dent in it. I would not be exaggerating too much to say it had 2 or more cups of fresh sliced strips of succulant chicken on it. What verified this was the right place to eat, their Creme Brulee was one of a kind.
Each day has tremendous possibilities for joy and adventure. As I start it with surrendering my will to God, and then following that still small voice, He leadeth me. Following after peace and staying sensitive to His timing irons out the wrinkles on the path, keeps me safe and interjects many of the deires of my heart. As I keep my eyes open and focused on Him and a greater plan, He sends me where there are those who are needing inspiration, enouragement or just a reminder to live life fully, and appreciate the simple things all around. My friend and I did not sprinkle fairy dust on others but did find that our presence changed the atmosphere of most of the places we entered. Because we choose to invest in people, loving them and speaking life to them, there is a lifting.
Even extra blessings come to us. Our hotel room, which was already a great rate was altered by the manager due to asking and the favor of God. Like the Iranian bread market I stumbled into named Baraka, we expereince blessing. We are blesed, barak, to be a blessing, baraka. Incidentily, the Baklava there was one of the best I ever tasted. Taste and see that the Lord is good!
May your day be deorated with delight today as you put your trust in Him. He is our Waymaker and He goes before us, and if we ask, He will make the crooked places straight. Trust in the Lord with all of your heart and lean not to your own understanding, in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will direct your path...Prov 3:5,6

Saturday, April 30, 2011

to higher ground then fasten seatbelt

Re-unions are terrific times. When expectaions and anticipations collide and reality takes over with more than either could have fully grasped or hoed for. When plans evolve and manifest, they come in for a landing and the transition is not even noticible. All time of separation is earased and re-knowing is in full throttle. These are the times of heart to heart honesty, freedom and understanding. Amazing how much we are really all alike. We struggle with looking good, being perceived as capable, caring and of good character. Anxiety can easily be generated when we focus on how we are doing, instead of just being ourselves. Who else can we be? The joy and peace comes when we accept who that self really is and just ve who He made us to be. That is the discovery. Knowing Him and who we are in His light. Taking every lie and hard thing we have heard and experience and letting a recalibration come through embracing truth and grace which we have an unlimited supply of. When relying on ourselves there will always be lack, but when depending on The Shepherd we shall not want.
Discerning what the assignment is at any point is so valuable as we can stay focused and move into something so much greater and significant. Isn't this all any of us wants is to feel significant? Searching and finding-seeking with all our being and knowing why we were made. We are "made for more," as the author of Made to Crave says. But what do we crave? Seeking the things that are lasting and profitable is my pursuit. Righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Ghost. Time to take off for the day....more with the next landing...enjoy the journey travelor!